Nurturing the inspiration, vision and skills of those working to heal their communities one block at a time.
helping healers heal and Leaders Lead.
About Us
We the People Community Health Worker Corps & Coalition trains those most impacted by health disparities as Certified Community Health Workers and then links them with volunteer or employment opportunities to serve and work within their local community.
Our Mission
To transform communities and structural systems by building the leadership capacity of those most impacted by poverty, racism, limited access and a general lack of human respect and then position and support them to serve, lead and succeed.
Our Story
The We the People Community Health Worker Coalition has been born out of decades of collaborative work to improve the quality of life and health access of people living with HIV/AIDS and other related chronic illnesses in a response to growing and sustained health inequality and lack of economic access in both urban, rural, and suburban communities across the United States.
In 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 national response, Damien Ministries and Equality Community Health Worker Corps Founder, Jeffrey Richardson, brought together a network of community-based organizations, health and environmental education groups, academic institutions, and public health scientists to apply for funding from the Federal Office of Minority Health to lead a national minority COVID-19 response and education strategy focused on black and brown communities and other high-risk populations. Despite, not being awarded the federal funding, the community of practice continued to collaborate and create opportunities to engage in community education, training, and dialogue.
As community health advocates and professionals have continued to convene, share resources, and serve as a community of learning and restoration for one another; we recognize the increasing value of establishing a national network of community health workers and community health practitioners to help sustain the increasing national focus on improving health access for minority communities and other vulnerable populations.
Our Services
Our network brings together community health workers, advocates and practitioners who are sharing best practices, collaborating on training and facilitating employment opportunities.
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Through our network we are able to offer training and coaching on a variety of peer developed topics supporting the creation, scaling, expansion and sustainability of community health worker-based community education, prevention and intervention programs.
Review our training catalog
Our Programs
Public Health AmeriCorps
As a part of the newly launched Public Health AmeriCorps Partnership between the CDC and The Corporation for National and Community Service, We the People Community Health Worker Corps (WTP-CHWC) in partnership with Damien Ministries trains and deploys community members as Certified Community Health Workers serving in Washington, DC, MD, VA, WV and Alabama. Learn More
Workforce Development
We The People Community Health Worker Coalition is proud to host our partner program Project LEAP Job Start. Project LEAP Job Start provides job seekers with free job coaching and connections to community-based employers committed to increasing economic mobility for those most shut out from opportunity. Learn More
Event Registration
Complete this form to register your event to be shared with other members and archived for your community service hours.
Community Health worker training needs survey
Help us develop training and coaching offerings that are relevant and address your capacity building needs.
Please share content and topic areas you are interested in receiving training on related to your community health focused work and practice.
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